Sunday, May 17, 2009


Lately in New England our SUNdays have been anything but. Dreary, drizzly, downright overcast...but certainly not SUNNY. A perfect day to surf the net and discover the world of BLOGGING. Who knew??? I mean, really!!!! I was so taken by the depth of feeling and comfort offered by many of the blogs I feel drawn to create our own (with the coaching of LOML)

LOML 50 something mother , executive director of a nonprofit
ME almost 50 something mother, educator, quilter
We've been together almost 18 years...
We have been doing foster care since 2006, first as a child specific home - and later as an unrestricted home - with no intention of adopting - now look at us!!!!!! Eager to grow our family and learn how to cope with the roller coaster of foster-adoption with older children.
Who is in the house?
12 yo boy RADISH with us in a preadoptive placement since August 2008, but is reunifying with bio-dad this summer.
Our 10 yo boy BUCKSQUAT (adopted from foster care in November) has been with us since August 2007. He is just too stinkin' cute for words. Sprinkled with freckles and spiky reddish brown hair (also known lovongly as our little Chia Pet)
Our 19 yo boy?/man? BUCKSHOT making a go at life - attending community college and living in our vacation home in another New England State.

Our family has included about a dozen foster children - some stayed years, others just months - many remain connected, all have nestled into our hearts, forever, in their own special way.

What will our family look like next month??? next week ?? Who knows. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world. Glad to find you!

  2. Funny you found us! Your site was one of the first I looked at this weekend and was moved to start our own. Parenting RAD kids can be such a challenge and it is so nice to know there are others who handle all with dignity and grace (and a serious sense of humor!!!!)

  3. Hi- good luck with your new blog. Have fun with it!
